Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How do you write a set In a roster for and in set-builder notation

The names of the formats are self explanatory - which is a common practice in math. Roster form is a listing of elements whereas set-builder notation is a way of describing what elements are in a set. If a set has elements that cannot be listed completely then set builder notation is a viable option. 
Suppose E1 is the set of even numbers between 2 and 12 then either form will work: 
E1={4,6,8,10}={n: 2|n and 2 < n < 12} 
Now let E2 be the even number between 2 and 12,000,000,000. Roster form is really no longer practical - and this isn't even an infinite set. So we use builder notation. 
E2={n: 2|n and 2 < n < 12*10^9}

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