Monday, June 24, 2013

Z^3=-1 find cubic roots ( step by step)

Since it is a cube root... 


And we use the solver to find the other two: 

Solved by pluggable solver: SOLVE quadratic equation with variable
Quadratic equation az%5E2%2Bbz%2Bc=0 (in our case 1z%5E2%2B1z%2B1+=+0) has the following solutons:


For these solutions to exist, the discriminant b%5E2-4ac should not be a negative number.

First, we need to compute the discriminant b%5E2-4acb%5E2-4ac=%281%29%5E2-4%2A1%2A1=-3.

The discriminant -3 is less than zero. That means that there are no solutions among real numbers.

If you are a student of advanced school algebra and are aware about imaginary numbers, read on.

In the field of imaginary numbers, the square root of -3 is + or - sqrt%28+3%29+=+1.73205080756888.

The solution is 

Here's your graph:

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